Beat the truth.
with. your. heart.
I do truth.
With you.
It’s very simple: I’m here to drag you out of your untruth. Into the truth. Your truth. Of who you are. That’s all I do.
And that’s all you want. Because it’s the only thing that will make you happy. On the deepest level.
Truth cannot be bought. It can only be done. And I’m here to do truth.
With you.
Steve Shiva
Transformational Coach
Founder of Notorious Hearts
“ If I need to convince you to live your truth,
you’re not ready. ”
Steve Shiva Corbett
What’s a Notorious Heart?
Someone who lives the full glory of who he or she is. Brave, raw, open, playful.
Notorious Hearts say what they stand for, or dare to be quiet in the midst of social noise.
Notorious Hearts care for what they feel, and what others feel. They know how to connect from an authentic place.
Notorious Hearts face their fears, go through it and come out stronger.
Notorious Hearts live their talent, because it’s their gift to the world.
Notorious Hearts are warriors of truth. Because they know it’s the only way to live life: in truth. Their truth.

It’s my eternal joy to see people shine in their truth.
Check how they feel:
Book a free introduction session.
Check the calendar and pick a date and time that suits you.
Or leave your name and email, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.”
Howard Thurman
(1899 – 1981)