Time's up.
Truth is calling.
For all of us.
In the midst of any turbulence it is essential to find your truth. Whether the chaos is in the global world, in your private life or within you. Your truth is your direction. It is your sign post, your anchor. It is who you are.
Due to our upbringing, cultural influences, social pressure, religions and other conditionings, each one of us has been pushed out of our truths. On the micro level this means saying yes where you mean no. On the macro level it shows up as addictions, depressions, lack of purpose.
How to get back into your truth? Face yourself. Face your fears. Face your feelings. Face the situations you are in. Face it all. It’s easily said, but to me this is the greatest and deepest undertaking there is in life. It is what we are alive for: to be who we are.
Be notorious for being honest. That’s why I chose the name Notorious Hearts. You need to be courageous and brave. And trust me, you will become notorious. Not only for your openness and honesty, but also for your happiness, contentment and confidence.
Truth is calling. Now more than ever.
Let’s do this!
Steve Shiva Corbett
Transformational coach
Founder of Notorious Hearts
Father of Noah and Lilly
Jump into your truth:
be a Notorious Heart >>
“Longing is not enough. Living your truth can only come from an insatiable yearning to be in the heart. At all costs.”
Steve Shiva Corbett
Every Notorious Heart is an epicenter of truth.
Let’s have as many epicenters as possible. Worldwide. All beating the truth, like a deep drum. Boomboom, boomboom. And with every beat of a Notorious Heart they touch the hearts around them. Starting to beat their truths, with their hearts.
And then one day, the entire planet starts beating the truth. Like a global heart. Boomboom, boomboom.
All we need are individuals like you and me. Willing to give it our all to be who we are. To live who we are. To breathe who we are. Because that’s the truth.
There are as many truths as there are people. Show me who you are, show me your truth. I’ll show you mine. Let’s all beat the truth. With our hearts.
Boomboom, boomboom.

I would call myself a warrior of truth. Ruthless. Provocative. Sincere. Devoted. And human – so totally fallible. Integrity is my divining rod to stay in my truth. When I feel I’m out of integrity, I act on it. No matter what, where or with whom I am.
Qualified coach. Officially.
I used to have this belief that I couldn’t coach someone unless I had the official qualifications for it. So I got myself into university and worked for all the needed diplomas and more:
- BSc (HONS) Psych: honours degree in Psychology
- MBPsS: Graduate member of the British Psychological Society. Which binds me to their ethics code and values.
- Holistic Counseler Certification: Working With People trainings, SIAF accredited.
Now I know: The best education is life itself.
The essential qualifications for the transformational coach that I am right now, came from life itself. To this day it is life teaching me the greatest lessons. It can be very messy sometimes.
I had to go deep into untruths to find my truth.
A long long time ago I climbed up to be a Sales Director in an international company. We were successful. I had everything. The rock star lifestyle: good money, apartment with pool, BMW convertible, top beaches. Everything was at my feet. Except for one thing:
I couldn’t feel a thing. I was empty. There was no joy.
Destroy your reputation.
I was living out a self-imposed reputation – that of a successful businessman. Based on lies. Facing my truth meant destroying this image. Bit by bit. Facing me meant cutting out all actions, behaviors and moves that weren’t me.
I had to transform from being a guy I thought I had to be, to being who I actually am. I now know: nothing beats the truth. Except my heart. And I listen to every beat. Keeping me in my integrity. In who I am. In any given moment, wherever I am.
PhD in truth.
All these lessons have brought me to only one conclusion: underneath all untruths is the already complete version of us. After all of these years being taught by life, I’ve got one unofficial qualification that I am most proud of: a PhD in truth.

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